[WT-support] CW via Winkey (another problem)

Juha Rantanen oh6xx at sral.fi
Tue Nov 21 08:12:44 CET 2006

Once at this problem I will have to throw in my question too. Yesterday I 
was testing for CQWW CW with Winkey. I have built one stand alone Winkey 
from K1EL's kit. The problem was that I wasn't able to send CW from keyboard 
at all. The Fx keys didn't work neither did the Alt-K. On the other hand I 
was able to key the radio from paddle connected to Winkey box. I know the 
box is working correctly as everything worked while I tried with the Wktest 

In Win-test the configuration was following:

Interfaces configuration:

1200 8-N-2
DTR Handshake
RTS Handshake (I pressed the use Winkey defaults button)

PTT ON delay (ms): 15ms

Winkey properties:
Keying mode: Iambic B
Second output (pin 5): PTT
Sidetone frequency: 375Hz

Paddle watchdog activated

Is there some other window I should do something? I wasn't able to change 
the CW speed that is shown in Rate window from Winkey pot. The CW speed went 
up and down on paddles but not in Win-test. Neither did Alt-F9 or -F10 do 
anything to the paddle speed.

Juha OH6XX 

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