[WT-support] WT 3.6.0 released

Olivier F5MZN olecam at f5mzn.org
Mon Nov 20 10:04:11 CET 2006

Hi folks,

We have released a new version of Win-Test: 3.6.0

This version comes with various bugfixes and new features, which are 
listed in the Release File below.

Actually, most of the bugs reported after the CQWW DX SSB are now fixed, 
except the "FT-2000 band map" one because I am not able to repeat the 
problem here. Anyway, I'm in touch with a FT-2000 owner to make some 
tests with and we still have time to fix before the CW leg.

I encourage you to check if this version is still working correctly with 
your rigs because I have had to change lots of things in the part of 
code used to control the radio protocols. In spite of many tests I have 
done there, as you can imagine I don't own all of the equipements 
available in the market! Feel free to report any problems with with 
version before the CQWW CW.

There is no Update Package this time because it is necessary to upgrade 
the wtCom.DLL which is only available in the Full Package.

http://download.win-test.com/wt-3.6.0.exe [3.9 MB]

We have also released wtDxTelnet which uses the same DLL. You should not 
have to install it because it is included in the Full Package of 
Win-Test. Anyway, if you are running wtDxTelnet on a separate computer 
which you don't have installed Win-Test on, please also download and 
install wtDxTelnet:


Release File

3.6.0 (Nov 20, 2006)

- CAUTION : New network protocol version 1.17 released

   Reminder : If you use WT in a networked environment, you must have
   the same WT version on all machines !

- Added command line arguments:
   wt.exe [--alternative-ini|-i <inifile>] [WTB file to load]
   Tks DL6RAI.

- Added a "Polling Rate" option in the Interface Configuration
   Windows. Note that it is not exactly the Polling Rate which is
   defined here, but the delay before polling the radio again after
   the previous sequence is done. This delay is not so accurate with
   every radio. Check by yourself to see what is the value which fits
   the best your needs!

- SteppIR controler is now supported with an Y cable. Special thanks
   to G3BJ.

- Main window : Extra large font added. Tnx W2RU.

- New graphics in the rate wnd (Alt-R) : Instant continents
   distribution. Uses the same moving parameters as the instant rates
   chart. Tnx CT1BOH.

- Rate wnd (Alt-R) : New options to display or hide non-essential
   sections of this wnd.

- New text commands QSX and NOQSX (equivalent to SPLIT and NOSPLIT).

- New text command REMAPKEYS (equivalent to DEFINEKEYS)

- Partner wnd : New real-time feature to display the callsign field
   of the partner(s) log(s) while he (she) is entering a callsign.
   See the contextual menu of this window. A runner can have up to
   three different support partners. To grab the first real-time slot,
   use Alt-Space. In all cases, you can also double-click on any
   callsign of this window. Tnx K3LR

- DX cluster (Alt-A) and radio wnds : A "*" indicator is displayed
   before the spot callsign when there is a QSX for this spot. Tnx K3LR.

- Send spot dlg (Alt-F3) : The log fields clearing after a spot has
   been sent is applied the same way as the self-entered spots (see the
   bandmaps properties contextual menu dialog).

- Score sending : "Send now!" menu item added in the summary contextual
   menu. It is enabled only if the score sending is enabled.

- Commands | Station type : The settings can now be sticked to the
   computer. If so, it will be used for any newly created logs.
   Tnx K3LR.

- Stats wnd (Ctrl-F9) : DXPed : Stats period extended to 4 days.

- DXPed HF and VHF+ logs : The ADIF export includes the info field in
   the NOTES ADIF field. Tnx FY1FL.

- Status wnd (Alt-J) : The list can now be sorted by band and by
   stations names if several stations are on the same band.

- Bugfix : Most of the VHF+ contests didn't have a final score line
   in the summary window (Alt-S), which prevented any real-time score
   posting. Tnx F5LEN.

- Bugfix : Alt-F4 set the radio in split (even if it originally wasn't)
   and a QSX freq in the nirvana ! Tnx DL6RAI, DL4NER and others.

- Bugfix: FT-1000MP in SO2R mode: in Split Mode, swaping radios was
   inverting TX and RX frequencies on the FT-1000MP/Mk5. Tks EA5BY
   and F5CWU.

- Bugfix: Could not enter a QSO to the bandmap from 2nd radio window.
   Everytime a callsign was typed to 2nd radio window and CTRL-Enter was
   pressed, the QSO was set in main radio band map to the exact QRG
   of the main radio. Fixed. Tks OH2UA.

- Bugfix: Using WinKey, the $CORRECT variable was sending the logged
   callsign in every case, even if the callsign was not changed by the
   operator. Tks G3BJ (G5W).

- Bugfix: the selection of the active Sound Card when more than one
   is available was broken. Fixed.

- Bugfix: a short delay might be introduced when ESCaping (stopping)
   a recorded message played by the Internal Voice Keyer. Fixed.
   Tks K3LR.

- Bugfix: stereo signal was not working on LPT port Pin 5. Fixed.
   Tks 5B4WN/G0WWW & GM0GAV.

Good luck in the CQWW CW. Hope to work you all from TM2Y (@F6BEE) where 
we will operate from in M/S.

Olivier / f5mzn

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