[WT-support] CW sending QRZ with the "+" key
José Nunes CT1BOH
ct1boh at gmail.com
Mon Nov 13 09:18:47 CET 2006
Hi Tim
I use for F3 long message
and for "+" short message
+ = $CORRECT ++TU-- $CR
Options | cw | Modify standar messages
And if you don't want to move your hands too much and save energy you can
redefine the F3 and + keys un-used keys next to the return key...
On 11/13/06, Tim Duffy K3LR <k3lr at k3lr.com> wrote:
> A simple question, I may be overlooked the information. Dave and I are
> working
> on CQWW CW setup just now.
> I notice that WinTest does not use F3 and log the QSO when using the "+"
> key as
> CT does.
> I have F3 modified to send the TU QRZ message, but I cannot find a place
> to
> modify the "+" key to use F3.
> Alternate would be to modify the + key message which sends TU K3LR now,
> but we
> want a different message there. How is the "+" sending message modified?
> Or can
> the "+" key use F3 like CT with modifications?
> Thanks and 73,
> Tim K3LR
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José Nunes
CONTEST CT1BOH - http://www.qsl.net/ct1boh
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