[WT-support] could not registrade with version 3.5.0
F6BNH Bernard
f6bnh at libertysurf.fr
Fri Nov 10 12:10:42 CET 2006
Hi Larry
Miss the information in June and nothing clearly indicated in win-test page that's the reason.
May be usefull for others that it appears clearly (on home win-test web page and/or download web page).
Anyway registration has been done
Thank's for all and all the best
Bernard F6BNH
======= le 09.11.2006, 22:08:47 vous écriviez: =======
>Hi Bernard
>F6BNH Bernard a écrit :
>> I have downloaded and installed version 3.5.0
>> Next step I try to registrade the new version and the result is I can't do it.
>Looks normal, as you haven't upgraded to v3 and still have a v2 licence.
>The last v2 you can use and register is 2.32.1 located here :
>Read http://www.f5mzn.org/pipermail/support/2006-June/071455.html for
>upgrade conditions to v3.
>Laurent - F6FVY
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F6BNH Bernard
f6bnh at libertysurf.fr
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