[WT-support] Worked DXCC windows

cx6vm.jorge at adinet.com.uy cx6vm.jorge at adinet.com.uy
Mon Nov 6 04:47:40 CET 2006

I continue testing Win-Test, really very nice. 

Just in a set up of windows for CQWW CW, one think I like to know if 
it is possible to do:
For example in the zones windows, I set the same color for background 
and for worked, a diferent color for not worked, so I can see ONLY the 
zones I need to work.

As a single band entry, in Worked DXCC, is it possible to do that the 
Mults (LU, CE, CX, OA, EA, F, LA.....) change to the same color than 
the "worked"? So if I set the same color fot background and for worked, 
once I worked a country I will not see either the band (20) and the 

For All Banders like CT1BOH, when he worked in 6 bands will happens 

Thinking in next ARRL10, when you work the country in SSB and CW will 
happens this.

Another option, just another parameter for colors, so if others like 
to see the DXCC entity instaed he worked it, they can chosse colors to 
do that.

Hope I am clear in what I want to say....


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