[WT-support] qso recording

Tõnno Vähk Tonno.Vahk at gildbankers.com
Fri Nov 3 15:44:29 CET 2006

well, it is really nice to be able to send out rare contest QSOs later to friends or correspondents as files and to retain them in the collection.
I think incoporating recording in WT would be a terrific function and I look forward to it. Would be able to get audio clips with QSOs much more easily than from RecAll for example..


From: support-bounces at win-test.com [mailto:support-bounces at win-test.com] On Behalf Of Zoli Pitman HA1AG
Sent: Friday, November 03, 2006 12:03 PM
To: support at win-test.com
Subject: Re: [WT-support] qso recording

>> I was reading the help, to find how to record qsos with Wintest??
>> Anyone knows where can I find the infos???

> We are still thinking to add an "QSO" recorder in WT. This is on our 
> todo list but we have other things to do before. I hope that we will 
> have time this year for...

IMHO this is unnecessary. There are enough perfectly suitable tools available optimized for this purpose. I would opt for WT sticking to its core role and having a very robust and optimized code instead of having a miriad of bells and whistles used by a subset of the users, making the code less robust, increasing the probability of fault introduction and making troubleshooting more difficult. 

73, Zoli HA1AG

ps: One of the best ops ever, W4AN used to say the contest ends at 23:59... He won WWCW in USA from GA with this principle... So why record a contest anyway ? :) 

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