[WT-support] WT keys and commands manual
Tõnno Vähk
Tonno.Vahk at lhv.ee
Sat May 27 10:56:03 CEST 2006
hi all,
as it was badly needed I tried to put together a complete list of all the shortcut keys, commands and test variables introduced by now. I went through all the release notes. It is a 4 page doc file. I tried to send it attached but the list does not accept it, so please email me if you want to have it. Maybe Oliver or someone can put it up for download. I add it below as text also.
Moving in the QSO :
* Left arrow : Moves the cursor one character to the left
* Right arrow : Moves the cursor one character to the right
* Home (or Ctrl - Left arrow or Ctrl - A) : Moves the cursor to the left of the field
* End (or Ctrl - Right arrow or Ctrl - E) : Moves the cursor to the beginning of the field
* Space bar : Toggles the cursor between the principal logging fields
* Tab or < or > : Toggles the cursor between the possible logging fields
* Backspace : Deletes the character located just before the cursor
* Shift - Backspace : Deletes all the characters located before the cursor
* Del : Deletes the character located under the cursor
* Shift - Del : Deletes all the characters located after and under the cursor
* Ctrl - W : Deletes the current field
* F11 : Deletes all the fields of the current QSO, and locates the cursor in the callsign logging field
Moving in the log :
Warning : Any movement in the log validates the QSO where the cursor was located before the movement !
* Up arrow : Moves the cursor one QSO up in the log
* Down arrow : Moves the cursor one QSO down in the log
* PageUp : Moves the cursor 10 QSO up in the log
* PageDown : Moves the cursor 10 QSO down in the log
* Ctrl - Home : Moves the cursor to the first QSO of the log
* Ctrl - End : Moves the cursor to the last QSO of the log
* Ctrl - PageUp : Moves the cursor 24 hours up in the log
* Ctrl - PageDown : Moves the cursor 24 hours down in the log
CW and SSB keyer :
* F1 : Plays message n°1. Normally, this message is the CQ
* F2 : Plays message n°2. Normally, this message is the report sent (full)
* F3 : Plays message n°3. Normally, this message is the serial number sent
* F4 : Plays message n°4. Normally, this message is your call
* F5 : Plays message n°5. Normally, this message is the logged callsign
* F6 : Plays message n°6
* F7 : Plays message n°7
* Insert : Plays the message defined for this key (CW only) : Normally, this message is the logged callsign and the full sent report
* + [Numerical pad] : Plays the message defined for this key (CW only) : Normally, this message sends a TU, then your callsign and automatically validates the logged QSO
* Esc : Stops the message being sent
* AltGr - F1 to AltGr - F7 : Records the messages n°1 to n°7 (CW or Phone)
* AltGr - Insert : Records the message associated to the Insert key (AltGr-F2 in phone only)
* AltGr - + : Records the message associated to the + key (AltGr-F3 in phone only)
Other keys :
* - [Numerical pad] : Equivalent to Commands / Split frequency
* * [Numerical pad] : Equivalent to Commands / Radio active / Active radio
* F8 : Equivalent to Windows / N + 1
* F9 : Equivalent to Windows / Check callsign
* F10 : Equivalent to Windows / Check multipliers
* Shift - F10 : Equivalent to Windows / Search for worked multipliers
* F12 : Equivalent to Windows / Check partials
Alt combinations:
* Alt - 1 : Equivalent to Windows / Radio 1
* Alt - 2 : Equivalent to Windows / Radio 2
* Alt - : : Equivalent to Commands / Radio active / Active radio
* Alt - A : Equivalent to Windows / DX-Cluster announcements
* Alt - B : Equivalent to Windows / Skeds
* Alt - C : Equivalent to Options / CW / Modify additional messages
* Alt - D : Equivalent to Commands / Pass a station
* Alt - E : Equivalent to Commands / Take a sked
* Alt - F : Equivalent to Edit / QSO and time
* Alt - G : Equivalent to Messages / Send a gab
* Alt - H : Equivalent to Help / Reference Manual
* Alt - I : Equivalent to Windows / Gab
* Alt - J : Equivalent to Windows / Status
* Alt - K : Equivalent to Commands / Keyboard mode
* Alt - L : Equivalent to Windows / Worked gridsquares or Receive QTC
* Alt - M : Equivalent to Windows / Worked DXCC
* Alt - N : Equivalent to Messages / Write a note regarding this QSO
* Alt - O : Equivalent to Windows / DX-Cluster monitor
* Alt - P : Equivalent to Messages / Reply to the last private gab
* Alt - R : Equivalent to Windows / Rate
* Alt - S : Equivalent to Windows / Summary
* Alt - T : Equivalent to Commands / DX-Cluster
* Alt - V : Equivalent to Commands / CW speed
* Alt - W : Equivalent to Edit / Initialize QSO (see before)
* Alt - Y : Toggles the current QSO from RUN to MULT in M/S category or from RUN1 to RUN2 in M/2 category and vice versa (also CTRL+F3)
* Alt - Z : Equivalent to Windows / Worked zones
* Alt - F1 : Equivalent to Commands / QSY / One band up
* Alt - F2 : Equivalent to Commands / QSY / One band down
* Alt - F3 : Equivalent to Commands / Spot
* Alt - F4 : Equivalent to Commands / QSY to run frequency
* Alt - F8 : Equivalent to Edit / Initialize QSO (see before)
* Alt - F9 : Decreases the speed by 2 WPM (CW only)
* Alt - F10 : Increases the speed by 2 WPM (CW only)
* Alt - Up arrow : Equivalent to Commands / Copy-paste the previous QSO
AltGr combinations:
* AltGr - 1 to AltGr - 8 : Select active scenario for audio control settings
* AltGr - A : Equivalent to Operating / Listen to the primary radio
* AltGr - T : Equivalent to Operating / Listen to the secondary radio (headphone toggle)
* AltGr - L : Equivalent to Operating / Listen to the secondary radio during transmit (headphone latch)
* AltGr - S : Equivalent to Operating / Listen to both radio (headphone Split)
* AltGr - R : Equivalent to Operating / Revert to automatic control
Ctrl combinations:
* Ctrl - Enter : Equivalent to Commands / Insert into BandMap
* Ctrl - Del : Deletes the spot of the current frequency in the active bandmap
* Ctrl - G : Equivalent to Edit / Goto QSO
* Ctrl - J : Equivalent to Commands / Insert into BandMap
* Ctrl - P : Equivalent to Commands / Propagation forecast
* Ctrl - T : Equivalent to Commands / Carrier
* Ctrl - X : Launches an external program by typing its name in the callsign field Ctrl-X key for launch
* Ctrl - Z : Equivalent to Edit / Restore QSO
* Ctrl - F1 et Ctrl - F2 : Mode toggle (when the contest permits)
* Ctrl - F3 : Toggles the current QSO from RUN to MULT in M/S category or from RUN1 to RUN2 in M/2 category and vice versa (also Alt - Y)
* Ctrl - F9 : Equivalent to Windows / Statistics
* Ctrl - Up arrow : Grabs the first upper spot in the active bandmap (in frequency regarding the active radio)
* Ctrl - Shift - Up arrow : Grabs the first upper spot in the active bandmap (in frequency regarding the active radio), even if it is a 0-point station
* Ctrl - Down arrow : Grabs the first lower spot in the active bandmap (in frequency regarding the active radio)
* Ctrl - Shift - Down arrow : Grabs the first lower spot in the active bandmap (in frequency regarding the active radio), even if it is a 0-point station
* Ctrl + Space : Grabs spot on the current frequency
* Ctrl + MouseWheel : Modifies window sizes
Text Commands:
* SOUND : Equivalent to Options / CW / No sound [unchecked]
* NOSOUND : Equivalent to Options / CW / No sound [checked]
* LEADINGZEROS (or LZ) : Equivalent to Options / CW / Serial number / Leading zeros [checked]
* NOLEADINGZEROS (or NOLZ) : Equivalent to Options / CW / Serial number / Leading zeros [unchecked]
* NOCWABBREV (or NOABBREV or NOCUT) : Equivalent to Options / CW / Serial number / Not abbreviated
* CWSEMIABBREV (or SEMIABBREV or SEMICUT) : Equivalent to Options / CW / Serial number / Half abbreviated
* CWFULLABBREV (or FULLABBREV or CWABBREV or FULLCUT) : Equivalent to Options / CW / Serial number / Abbreviated
* CWPROABBREV (or PROABBREV or PROCUT) : Equivalent to Options / CW / Serial number / Pro
* PASSFREQ (or QSYFREQ) : Equivalent to Commands / QSY frequency
* QUIT (or EXIT) : Equivalent to File / Quit
* CLOSE : Equivalent to File / Close
* OPEN : Equivalent to File / Open
* NEW : Equivalent to File / New
* WRITELOG (or MAKELOG) : Equivalent to File / Creating log files
* SAVELOG : Equivalent to File / Backup contest
* WRITEDB : Equivalent to File / Update database
* REPEAT (or RPT) : Equivalent to Options / Automatic CQ repeat mode [checked]
* NOREPEAT (or NORPT) : Equivalent to Options / Automatic CQ repeat mode [unchecked]
* TUNE : Equivalent to Commands / Carrier
* DEFINEKEYS: Equivalent to Options / Redefine keyboard keys
* SPLITFREQ : Equivalent to Commands / Split frequency
* NOSPLIT (or SPLITOFF) : Sets split operation off for the current radio
* RUN : Equivalent to Commands / Station type / Run
* MULT : Equivalent to Commands / Station type / Mult
* RUN1 : Equivalent to Commands / Station type / Run 1
* RUN2 : Equivalent to Commands / Station type / Run 2
* SUPPORT (or PARTNER): Equivalent to Commands / Station type / Support [checked]
* NOSUPPORT (or NOPARTNER): Equivalent to Commands / Station type / Support [unchecked]
* WKSWAP (or WKREVERSE) : Equivalent to WinKey Properties / Swap paddles
* SWAP - Equivalent to Commands / Swap frequency of both radios
* RELOAD (or REOPEN) : Reopens the current opened file
* RELOADNOW (or REOPENNOW) : Reopens the current opened file, but does not display the contest configuration dialog.
* CORRECT : Equivalent to Options / CW / Correction / Enabled
* NOCORRECT : Equivalent to Options / CW / Correction / Disabled
* SMARTCORRECT (or SMART) : Equivalent to Options / CW / Correction / Smart Correction enabled
* NOSMARTCORREC (or NOSMART) : Equivalent to Options / CW / Correction / Smart Correction disabled
* INVENTORY (or INV) : Requests all connected Stations to send their version number
* NOHEADERS (or HEADERSOFF or HIDEHEADERS) : Equivalent to Options / Log display / Hide headers enabled
* HEADERS (or HEADERSON or SHOWHEADERS) : Equivalent to Options / Log display / Hide headers disabled
* CLEARLOG : Equivalent to Edit / Delete all QSO
* CTSPACE : Equivalent to Options / CW / Shortened spaces (CT spaces) enabled
* NOCTSPACE : Equivalent to Options / CW / Shortened spaces (CT spaces) disabled
* MIC : Enables the mic input when the VK is not playing
* NOMIC : Mutes the mic input when the VK is not playing (default)
* MICWHENPLAY : Enables the mic input when the VK is playing
* NOMICWHENPLAY : Mutes the mic input when the VK is playing (default)
* SETUP : Equivalent to Options / Configure Interfaces
* WWV : Equivalent to Windows / Solar Activity / Displayed data / WWV
* WCY : Equivalent to Windows / Solar Activity / Displayed data / WCY
* BYE : Equivalent to File / Quit.
* SPEED (or CWSPEED) Equivalent to Commands / CW speed
* RUNFREQ : Moves to last Run frequency, equivalent to Alt - F4
* VERSION : Equivalent to Help / About
* WEIGHT (or CWWEIGHT) : Equivalent to Commands / CW weight
Message variables:
* $GRNR sends gr/num of the received QTC
* $SERIAL sends QSO #
* $LOGGEDCALL send what's typed in callsign field
* $TR1 and $TR2 Radio 1 or radio 2 tx
* $GRABSPOT, which grabs spot on the current frequency
* $ZONE sends zone nr set in contest configuration
* $R1R1, $R1R2, $R2R2 which can be entered in the predefined CW messages to set the headphone
* $INSERT and $PLUS send messages behind ins or +
* $RESET cancels any manual change made in the audio control
* $ALTERNATECQ (or $ACQ) swaps primary and secondary radios and send CQ on the secondary radio
* $CQ same as $ALTERNATECQ but does not swap radios
* $MSG1...$MSG12: additional CW messages (see Alt - C)
* $SPACEBAR works like hitting spacebar-key (move cursor to exchange field)
* $TAB work like hitting tab-key (move cursor to next field)
* $GUESSZONE filling exchange field(s) if possible, but cursor remains in the same edit field
* $GUESSEXCH (or $GUESSEXCHANGE) mimics a space bar hit (filling exchange field(s)
* if possible), but the cursor remains in the same edit field.
* $CR works like hitting enter-key (log Qso)
* $MYCALL sends callsign set in contest configuration
* $REPEAT Reset the automatic repeat mode interval
* $CORRECT send a call correction, if any
* $F1...$F6 send the message associated with F1 ... F6 function key
* $LATCH sets latch mode
* $QSOB4 send QSOB4 message
* ^ : the halfspace character with 1/2 dot duration
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