[WT-support] info about WinTest on UKW contests in network.
dh5hv at dh5hv.de
Thu May 4 22:53:22 CEST 2006
Hello Laurent.
OK, got it working with network.
But just to get it right:
There is no transverter offset implemented yet.
No problem, but:
Serious contesting on UKW is done by using shortwave rigs and transverter.
So you can´t use the DX cluster by clicking a spot.
Or you can´t spot somebody quick.
You have to use rigs like IC910, TS2000, etc. !
But these rigs just work up to 23cm.
What about 10GHz for example ?
They mostly use 144MHz as IF-In....
What happens if you forget to change band manually in the log ?
Or if you like to log the exact QRG ?
Laurent, no problem, but it would be a great feature to get this in.
But be carefull, just not one offset !
For example you can use two or more transverter with one shortwave or 144MHz
IF in and so you need more different offsets...
Example if you use a TS850 on 144MHz and 432MHz transverter with a little
switch WinTest has to recognice an offset of 116MHz (2m) and 404MHz (70cm).
So an offset set by band should be fine !
----- Original Message -----
From: "Laurent HAAS - F6FVY" <f6fvy at free.fr>
To: <support at win-test.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 10:33 PM
Subject: Re: [WT-support] info about WinTest on UKW contests in network.
> Hi Jochen
> DH5HV a écrit :
> > Two PCs in network.
> > One of the PCs has a TNC to connect the DX cluster by packet.
> > Calls are DL1EJA on 2m and DH5HV on 70cm.
> >
> > Can I setup WinTest to see both PCs in network, to share the DX cluster
> > connection, to see wether a station is worked on 70cm or 2m or not and
> > vice versa ????
> If you have different callsigns on each PC, you will have to split the
> log after the contest. Beside this, you will be able to get the DX
> cluster spots on both PCs if they are networked.
> > due to the fact that I had some problems with setting up WinTest for the
upcomming weekend contest I also asked on the BCC mailing list for the use
of WinTest with a shortwave TRX and a transverter.
> >
> > Could you please confirm that transverter use is not supported yet ?!??
> If you mean frequency offset or so, we do confirm it is not supported.
> > When will it be implemented ?
> Later. Not scheduled yet.
> 73
> Larry - F6FVY
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