[WT-support] Type ahead window

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Tue Jun 13 22:59:35 CEST 2006

Hi Werner

Werner Maier a écrit :

> if I hit "INSERT" after typing DL4 into the callsign field, win-test 
> starts CW,
> and while giving "DL4" I type "NER", but win-test sometimes won't send 
> "NER".
> Win-test seems to "give up" too early instead of searching
> for more typed letters.
> maybe it is my setup here, using an old Pentium-233MMX Laptop
> with Win2K installed, with an W5XD-Keyer from my Writelog Setup.
> But as I remember, Writelog did it correctly with the same setup,
> so I suppose, it is caused by the software that cannot believe
> that I'd be so slow with typing the "NER" while it is already
> sending the "4" of "DL4".

I just tried at 12 WPM (to be sure !), with the internal keyer, and it 
perfectly works for me. It means that, even if you type "NER" while WT 
is transmitting the "4" of "DL4", the complete call is always sent.

It may be a specific problem of the W5XD keyer. Note that W5XD *never* 
replied to our request on the specifications of the data protocol he 
uses, to adapt it to WT.


Larry - F6FVY

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