[WT-support] 756PROii Rig Control

Adrian Rees (MW1LCR) rees.a at btconnect.com
Thu Jul 27 23:59:39 CEST 2006

Hi all
As I've only been playing with Wintest for a few weeks, the answer might be
obvious, but ....

This is what I want to do:

Setup 756PROii interfaced via Comm Port / CIV Interface.

I am running on say, 14.213MHz.
Needed Mult pops up (via cluster).... Mult is on 14.297MHz.

I want to QSY to work the Mult on 14.297, then QSY back to my original
calling Frequency(14.213 MHz) as quickly as possible.

Whats the easiest / fastest (and safest !) way of doing this ?

It can be done with N1MM, but its clunky...

No hurry on answer to above, by the way.

As a suggestion for the next release, would it be possible to change the
back ground colours for each of the windows, as well as Font Colour and Size

I'll try and get on for IOTA, but have lots to do here, good luck to all
those having a go!


Adrian Rees MW1LCR

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