[WT-support] NCCC on Win-Test [by N6XI]

Nick J. Sinanis F5VIH/SV3SJ f5vih at free.fr
Tue Jul 18 21:43:14 CEST 2006

Hi all,

not really a support question but I run into this report of Rick N6XI in 
the NCCC bulletin, after his visit at Friedrichshafen.
Complete text available at http://www.nccc.cc/jug/jug06jul.pdf (there is 
also a report on easymaster)

73's Nick

After the awards interlude, F6HVY(?)
described Win-Test, a pretty complete
contest logger that has received minimal
uptake in the US. I got a demo
afterward. It supports 80 contests but
not yet NCJ Sprint or CQP. It has
window dynamics similar to N1MM
(better than Writelog) and log display
and keyboard dynamics similar to CT.
It appears to have very good support for
multi-op stations including real-time log
synchronization on a flat LAN (not a
serial daisy-chain). It supports two
operators on a single station such that a
listen-op can type in calls heard on a
different or slightly different frequency
from the transmit op; very slick. It has
an excellent antenna switching matrix
that lets you specify which antennas to
use for transmit and receive on each
band and mode. Version 3 just came out
at the convention and will be available
on-line later this week. See
00 .

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