[WT-support] IOTA contest features

Dave Sharred dave at g3nkc.fsnet.co.uk
Fri Jul 7 22:37:35 CEST 2006

Hi to the development team of WinTest !

As you know, I have bought Win Test and we will use it in IOTA contest. We
like what we have seen so far!

I understand that at the moment, it is not possible to use a database to
suggest an IOTA reference (i.e. to preload teh window).   I imagine this
like a look up table for a zone, for example, or an oblast, DOK file etc...

Is it hard to include this feature ?

I have produced a file (XLS)  that shows most regular participants for this
test since 1998, and can make it available if this is a realisable feature
for IOTA (I already supplied it to N1MM; they are looking into it)



(OP @ MD4K)

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