[WT-support] Version 3.0.6 is done - 50 Q Cabrillo output?
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Fri Jul 7 14:48:50 CEST 2006
Hi again Olli
Olli Rissanen, Florianopolis Brasil a écrit :
> This os the email I am referring to:
So, you're talking abt the 3.0.7-wrtc (and not the regular 3.0.7)...
Olivier released this morning a 3.0.8-wrtc which fixes one bug :
You can use this last version. This should also fix the 50 Q limit with
no registration.
Good luck !
Larry - F6FVY
PS : Please, use the [Wrtc] support list to get support on this specific
version, and not this list. TIA.
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