[WT-support] Packet-Clusterspots in WT
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Wed Jan 25 00:06:51 CET 2006
Hi Chris
Christian Janssen a écrit :
> I just checked my Packet Radio Station for the CQww 160m. I have a 1200
> baud Packet connection to a local DX-Cluster. I talk to my TNC via COM1.
> In the Alt-O-Window everything is OK, all spots and Packet traffic is
> shown. But in the Announce-window only a few of the 160m spots are
> shown. I also have set the Band segments to 1800-1890 to let all the
> spots get through the WT filtering.
> In general I observed that spots are shown in Alt-A when they are sent
> "live". When I do "sh/dx 160" not all spots are shown in Alt-A.
1/ What type of cluster is it ? I mean DXNet, CLX, etc... ???
2/ Please check that "Multipliers only" is not enabled in the Alt-A and
bandmap windows.
3/ Don't forget the spot timeout which is set in the bandmap properties
dialog. If the spot is "too old" it will not be considered, and not
displayed in the Alt-A, nor the bandmaps.
Larry - F6FVY
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