[WT-support] Just wondering: improved support of the K2
Toby Deinhardt
dj7mgq at muenchen-mail.de
Fri Jan 13 10:21:00 CET 2006
I was wondering if there are any plans to support more fully the
entire range of commands of the K2?
For example the K2 internal keyer can accept ASCII strings so that an
external keyer ("small black box" and/or keying by computer) is no
longer needed.
vy 73 de toby
P.S. The documentation for the K2 protocol can be found at:
An example from Page 7
KS (Keyer Speed; GET/SET)
SET/RSP format: KSnnn; where nnn is 009-050 (9-50 WPM).
KY (CW Keying from Text; GET/SET)
SET format: KY*[text]; where * is a BLANK (ASCII hex 0x20) and [text]
is 0 to 24 characters.
Basic RSP format: KYn; where n is
0 (CW text buffer not full) or
1 (buffer full).
Extended RSP format: KYn; where n is 0 (buffer < 75% full),
1 (buffer > 75% full), or
2 (buffer completely empty AND transmit of previous string is
DD5FZ (ex dj7mgq, dg5mgq, dd5fz)
K2 #885, K2/100 #3248
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