[WT-support] Problem with SCP
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Tue Dec 26 13:02:02 CET 2006
Hi John and all
F6BEE a écrit :
> The default callsign database loaded with this kind of grid based
> contest is vhf.dtb,
> mainly with European VHFer callsigns and I don't find W2GD in it !
> Unless they propose better, you go to the C:\Program Files\Win-Test
> directory and provisionally rename vhf.dtb file
> as xxvhf;dtb and copy hf.dtb as vhf.dtb
> That will work as a "call guessing" tool but not as a square guessing,
> that was not active either with vhf.dtb for the Stew Perry
> Any better idea from the experts in North Paris ?
1/ I think you're confusing the SCP (Super Check Partial) file and the
database file. To be short, the SCP files (as its name suggests) are
used for the partial and N+1 proposals, and the database files are used
for exchange filling.
You can read this for a much more detailed explanation :
2/ Regarding the Stew Perry contest, I suggest :
Copy HF.DTB (or the check partial file you want to use) to
STEW_PERRY.DTB (note the underscore). This file will be used for the
partial and N+1 checks. Once you log is opened you can use "Used files"
item check partial wnd contextual menu to display the file(s) in use.
Unfortunately, we don't have today more specific SCP public file for
this contest.
Regarding the database, a public file is available here :
AFAIK, this file has been build by F5IN who gathered various results and
logs. It includes abt 150 gridsquares.
Larry - F6FVY
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