[WT-support] LPT keying and Windows XP - again

SM7NDX, Jan Eliasson sm7ndx at ssa.se
Fri Dec 1 14:56:32 CET 2006


I have searched the mailing list for a complete answer but no success. I
canĀ“t get the LPT keying to work. 

I am running W-T 3.6.2 and Windows XP. I just installed a Parallel card
(VSCom PCI-1284) in the computer. There is no onboard card.

I have installed port95nt.exe, but what to do next with it? Start C++ PortIO
before W-T?

The address of the LPT is E400. Enable or disable IRQ? Port type?

...or is the only answer buy WinKey2 from K1EL, and use an USB port?

...second answer: Use another computer? 

73 de SM7NDX, Jan

Jan Eliasson
sm7ndx at ssa.se

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