[WT-support] strange crash of WT 3.07
Rudolf Schwenger
Rudolf.Schwenger at t-online.de
Fri Aug 25 18:30:34 CEST 2006
Hi Philippe,
I have just sent Laurant the three files he had asked for plus a screen shot
of the situation when the WT crash occurs.
The problem is perfectly repeatable and absolutely "stable" as long as the
n+1 - window is active/open, irrespective of whether I use the IARU-Reg 1-
generic or the IARU-Reg 1- DARC or whether I start with a new contest-file
like FDTEST-1 instead of the FDTEST I have been using so far: Whenever I try
to input W3, W4 or W6 in any of the FD-contest-files WT will crash
immediately and inevitably.
Absolutely no problem on W1, W2, W5, W7, W8, W9 and W0 respectively.
And absolutely no problem with W3, W4, W6 or any other prefix I've tried on
any other contest file - admittedly I have only tried it with the IOTA -
contest and there is no problem at all with any prefix....
In other words: It is beyond the shadow of a doubt that the programming of
the FD-contest in WT in the context of the setup of my NB has a desastrous
effect on the stability of WT as long as the n+1 window is opened.
Pse copy Laurant if you feel that would be helpful to solve the problem.
Unfortunately I don't know how to copy him privately.
vy 73 es have a nice weekend de Rudolf, DJ3WE
PS: I don't know how to get hold of V 3.1. The latest I can get from your
Server is V 3.07. I just reupdated that version but the problem continues to
exist in a very stable and very annoying fashion time after time....
----- Original Message -----
From: "f6ify" <f6ify at free.fr>
To: <support at win-test.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 8:03 PM
Subject: Re: [WT-support] strange crash of WT 3.07
> Laurent HAAS - F6FVY a écrit :
>> Hi Rudolf
>> Rudolf Schwenger a écrit :
>>> Here is what happens:
>> (snip on supposed - N+1 related crash)
>> Following past Marko reports I yet spent several hours to track this bug
>> with no luck. I can't reproduce it, and thus it becomes very difficult to
>> fix it !
>> Do you have RIGHT NOW a configuration which does crash on every Wx
>> attempt ?
>> If so, I would be glad to *PRIVATELY* get the .wtb file you're working
>> on, the associated datafile (hf.dtb I guess) and your wt.ini.
> Just declare a new contest IARU FD (generic) and it crash with every W3
> even on WT3.1
> If you try with another contest declaration, there is no problem.
> 73 Philippe - F6IFY
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