[WT-support] Soundcard Interfacing

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Mon Aug 14 12:20:31 CEST 2006

Hi Jozef and others

Jozef Urban, OM7ZZ a écrit :

> Your description is correct, I just would like to bring bit more light 
> to the problem because I'm not sure if everyone understand how sound 
> card works. It isn't hard but everyone during troubleshooting have to 
> realize this quite simple principle.
> Each soundcard has two settings, called PLAYBACK and RECORDING. Both 
> this settings are for most cards independent and can be controlled by 
> application (Win-Test or any other program) but also manually from 
> Windows VOLUME CONTROL application. For demonstation of operation 
> principle I recommend to everyone to do simple test:


Great Soundcard-101 guide ! Tnx for that Jozef ;-)

> So Win-Test switches MIC/NOMIC and MICWHENPLAY/NOMICWHENPLAY should 
> control only PLAYBACK microphone MUTE control. Maybe MICWHENREC and 
> NOMICWHENREC can be added (or replace useless MICWHENPLAY/NOMICWHENPLAY) 
> because has more value - "On Air- Recording". But it is only my personal 
> opinion, developers have to consider :-)

We considered that enabling the microphone while recording was more 
"efficient" as - when you're during the contest - you don't lose the 
time it takes. The sound is automatically played back as you're recording.

Note that MICWHENPLAY/NOMICWHENPLAY was asked by some users to allow a 
more "natural" transition between the recorded messages and their own 
voice when a trailing personnal addition is needed.

We will consider your idea of muting playback output while recording, 
but (from the top of my head), I guess it is not easy, because today - 
especially with 5-1 cards - there can be several soundcard outputs to 
consider ! Anyway, food for thought.


Larry - F6FVY

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