[WT-support] "after-contest" impressions from a newcomer
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Tue Aug 1 12:37:51 CEST 2006
Hi Pat and all
pat_f6irf a écrit :
> Another RTTY-specific feature is that you want to be able to send "op
> name" when you QSO someone you know... (may look stupid, but it is a TTY
> tradition...)
O tempora O mores...
> There is a so called "friend.ini" maintained by AF4Z, but it also
> requires some customisation/cleaning to be optimum...
> (ie you don't want to send HELLO INTERNATIONAL AMATEUR RADIO CLUB when
> you contact 4U1ITU ! - while TNX BILL or GRACIAS JOSE is fine to end-up
> a QSO)
> There is some other useful-data like Locator in Makrothen contest, or op
> age in JARTS which will be difficult to maintain by non motivated TTY
> operators, so it is
> the reason why I think this part should be left to users... (like
> N1MM-logger does, with the coma separated "history file" that you can
> easily manipulate yourself
> using excel, or some dedicated utility software ).
We already have oriented our minds to such mechanisms. But it requires a
pretty amount of work to ensure flexibility, expandability, solidity and
speed. We don't want these new additions to bloat and slow down WT. WT
must run even with modest configurations. That's why the .ini API is not
a good choice (IMHO), even if it is *much* easier for the developers !
> Easy: you hear BUE, when QSY'ing - you just type BUE (or capture it with
> mouse in TTY), then SP1/DL3BUE appears in green in "check window" (you
> have worked him on another band).
> The only thing you have to do is click on the call in "check windows"
> and full call pops up in entry windows...
> Assuming SP1/DL3BUE is not a multiplier and that you don't want to
> spend time with him now; you just QSY and his call is recorded in bandmap,
> and entry field wiped, without any keyboard press.
> It may look useless for a CT user used to KB only, but it is very
> precious in TTY, especialy when running SO2R... one hand on the mouse,
> the other on the VFO...
OK. Noted. I also like the auto-completion idea of Tonno (in another
email), but a bit harder to implement (mainly because of the lack of
free shortcuts !).
Tnx for your suggestions.
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