[WT-support] CQ REPEAT
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Sun Oct 16 23:54:16 CEST 2005
Hi Don
Don Beattie a écrit :
> I am running SO2R, with rig switching via the relevant LPT pin. If I go
> to "CQ repeat" on CW and, between CQs, change the active radio, the CQ
> is still transmitted on the original radio (i.e. does not change). Is
> this a "feature" or is there a little bug ? Or have I not read the
> manual (again!)
As I don't have a SO2R installed setup, I will let Olivier confirm this,
but I'm afraid it doesn't work if you change the active radio between
two "timed" CQs.
Instead, if you really want to swap radios between 2 CQs, please try to
hit Esc, then swap radios, and restart calling by F1. It might work - to
be confirmed.
Another option is to not swap radios, and use the Shift key to bind
keystrokes to the secondary radio (if the relevant option is checked in
the Operating menu).
Hope this helps
Larry - F6FVY
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