[WT-support] CQ WW CW 2005
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Tue Nov 29 21:25:40 CET 2005
Hi Stewart and Simon (and all)
Simon Pearson a écrit :
> On Tue, Nov 29, 2005 at 19:33 -0000, Stewart GM4AFF wrote:
>>2. If I did not copy a call correctly (nearly all the time on Sunday!)
>>I want to use F5 to send the corrected call followed immediately by F3
>>(TU GM0F). To do this a space must be insterted between the two
>>strings, so I inserted a space after the F5 text. However, when I want
>>to use F5 (when I have a partly copied call in the callsign field)
>>followed immediately by a '?' (F7 for me) I end up with a hesitation
>>(space) before the '?'. This means that the other guy will immediately
>>think I have only sent part of his call and I will then miss (again)
>>his full callsign. I realise there are a number of ways of asking for
>>a caller to send his call again, but I like to hit F5 + F7 'cos it's
>>easy. I just don't want the space there when I am doing that! Hope you
>>understand ?
> Indeed... If I get a partial, e.g. AP, I will send F5+F7 to send "AP?".
> No space in between the "AP" and the "?", however, as this can also lead
> to the other station sending their call before you have sent the
> question mark.
Another way : Enter the question mark in the callsign field. Hit F5 to
send "AP?". Or use Ins to send "AP? 5NN14 (or whatever)". And if you hit
the space bar, the cursor will be located under this character to
complete the callsign.
> The easiest way is, once you have the callsign correct, just hit the +
> (plus) key, situated above the ENTER key on the numpad, to send the
> corrected call, TU and to log the contact. Win-Test realises you have
> edited the callsign since you initially entered it and sent the exchange
> so you do not need to worry. Additionally, going to
> Options->CW->Correction->Smart Correction will enable smart correction
> which only sends the part of the call you have corrected (e.g.
> suffix/prefix only) rather than the full call.
Another way : Edit a less used message (F6 for example) and enter :
If the callsign has been edited (and the callsign corrected) after
sending your report (with Ins), it will be sent before the TU etc. If
the callsign hasn't been touched, only the TU will be sent. BTW, the
smart correction also works this way !
> I hope that makes sense :-)
So do I ;-)
Larry - F6FVY
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