[WT-support] Bandmap as List
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Tue Nov 29 12:41:30 CET 2005
Hi Ulf
Ulf, DL5AXX a écrit :
> If the number of spots in the Radio window (as List) is longer then the
> height of the window, I have to scroll manually to see the spots in the
> upper part of the band.
> If I switch to the bandmap-view of the Radio window the actual TX-frequency
> is always in the middle of the bandmap. So it would be good to have a
> similar behaviour also with the list-view...
The list view has been created *especially* to allow to scroll the list,
which is not possible with the bandmap view. If we "lock" the center of
the window to the TX freq there are chances that you will not be able to
display the spots located on the band edges (and will only be another
layout of the bandmap view, which is not interesting).
If you want to increase the number of spots in your window, don't forget
you can "play" with various display options.
FYI, when I'm running, I use the list view, sorted by mult type. And
when S&P'ing, I use the bandmap view, to easily skip the already
"decoded" and entered stations.
Larry - F6FVY
> I'm using WT 2.20.2 on Win2K with a FT1000D on COM2.
> 73 Ulf, DL5AXX
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