[WT-support] dxtelnet

Olivier Le Cam olecam at f5mzn.org
Sun Nov 27 21:34:34 CET 2005


>    1. I think I do every think okay, but nothink.
>           * In dxcluster properties must I have to change anythink?
>           * Or, need to indicated somethink more
>                 o k1ttt.net
>                 o port. 9871
>                 o login. empty 

login is your callsign (not empty)

You must also ensure that ethernet network is active, with the same 
information than in Win-Test.

>                 o no password regired
>    2. in wintest
>           * enable ethernet network
>           * broadcast address, by deffault is 127.0.0255

127.0.0255 is *not* correct: is the right one

Please read http://docs.win-test.com/wiki/Pre/DX_Cluster/Telnet and 
follow step by step the instructions.

Olivier / f5mzn @ tm2y

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