[WT-support] Win-Test 2.20.0 is out!
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Mon Nov 21 13:13:51 CET 2005
Hi Stewart !
Stewart GM4AFF a écrit :
> What is the 'feature' you speak of...?
>>As usual, when I implemented this feature
> If the feature is a means of grabbing the score (in text/ascii format) in
> real time, what is required to do this?
For now, you just need a bit of computer knowledge, and few minutes /
hours / days of free time, depending on your project and your
programming skills ;-)
The needed informations to get the summary data are listed here :
I got informations from several WT users who already wrote usable
programs this last week-end ! They should share (if they want) their
work in the coming days when their projects will be stable enough.
Olivier also eased software creation for Win32 programmers by releasing
the wtCom.dll (already used by wtDxTelnet, and included in all WT
distributions), tailored to grab the WT frames on the network by means
of few lines of code. As usual, we need some time to document it, and
write a small demo program.
Larry - F6FVY
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