[WT-support] Fwd: IC735 - How to get CI-V to work

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Fri Nov 4 13:15:03 CET 2005

Hi Patrick

f6irf at free.fr a écrit :

> So to summarize for my IC735-F, for 9600bds, transceive OFF and default address
> 04 - from left to right with front panel toward you...
> Connector J22 jumper settings
> 1 ON   (bd rate)
> 2 OFF  (bd rate)
> 3 OFF  (address)
> 4 OFF  (address)
> 5 ON   (address)
> 6 OFF  (CI-V transceive)
> Those settings make the 735 operable with wintest (trx IC735 / bd rate 9600 / 8
> data bits / no parity / 1 stop bit(*))
> DTR and/or RTS are not used by the Icom CI-V (no handshake) so does not matter.
> However, they should be turned to "always ON" if using an interface powered
> though those pins. Alternatively, they  can be used for CW and PTT, for example
> if you are limited by the number of COM-ports on your machine.

Tnx for these valuable infrmations. And glad you can now use your 735 
with WT. Have fun for the coming CQWW CW !


Larry - F6FVY

PS : AD1C just released a new CTY.DAT file on the CT web site. The 
various WT country files will be soon updated according to this new 
file. I'll keep you informed on this topic.

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