[WT-support] Win-test et IC735 - un peu plus...
f6irf at free.fr
f6irf at free.fr
Thu Nov 3 13:18:15 CET 2005
re mon mail precedent sur le sujet:
Ceci doit, je suppose, expliquer le probleme numero 2
Frequency data is transferred using the BCD (binary coded decimal) code. For
historical reasons there are two data lengths used: 4 and 5 bytes. Almost all
rigs use 5 bytes of data, one old model uses 4-byte length: the IC-735
(found on DF4OR CI-V pages)
Quant au probleme numero 1
Un switch interne semble exister sur des vieux bouzins genre 751, mais je trouve
pas l'info concernant le 735... si personne ne sait, il me reste a ouvrir le
transceiver et tatonner (a moins que qqun ne dispose du service manual ?)
IC-751/751A using address 1C hex and 9600 bps.
CI-V transceive ON / OFF can be toggled via a hardware switch inside the radio.
This must be set to *OFF*.
(found on N1MM help-pages)
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