[WT-support] King Of Spain 2005 rules

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Mon May 16 11:53:22 CEST 2005

Hi all

I'm working on the King Of Spain contest *new* rules 2005, which be held 
next week-end, and even after 3 emails send to the so-called "contest 
manager" EC4WZ via the URE generic and the "concursohf" address, I'm 
still stuck with questions.

I wonder if someone in the Win-Test community could help ?

1/ The points rules say :

 > 10, 15 and 20 m: QSO with stations own continent, 1 point; with EA 
stations, 2 points.
 > 10, 15 and 20 m: QSO with station in other continent, 3 points; with 
EA stations, 4 points.

If I'm in AFRICA, does it give 4 points for each EA stations on 
10/15/20, *even if I work EA8 or EA9* (which are in my own continent !) ???

Same question if I'm in EUROPE, and I work EA8 or EA9, will I get 2 
points on 10/15/20 (*even if EA8 and EA9 are not in my own continent*) ???

2/ Abt multi-op stations, the rules state :

 > Multi-operator stations, if used multi TX, shall report separate 
serials per band starting with 001.

but, in classes we have :

 > 5) MOEA - Multi-Operator EA (only all band)
 > 6) MODX – Multi-Operator NO EA (only all band)


 > c) Only one signal per band is allowed in multi-operator class.

So, to be short, are Multi-Operator considered as "Multi-Op ONE TX" - 
aka M/S (and separate numbering per band), or as "Multi-op MULTI TX" - 
aka M/M (and also separate numbering per band) ??? I would be surprised 
that "Multi-Op ONE TX" category doesn't exist, or worse, there was no 
distinction between M/S and M/M, but why not...

Best 73

Larry - F6FVY

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