[WT-support] WT 2.11.0 released
ab7r at comcast.net
ab7r at comcast.net
Tue Mar 1 16:09:51 CET 2005
Thanks for the info. I will try disabling the CI-V on the Icom rig this evening. Not sure what I changed, but I got the TS-2000 working OK last night. Now I'm having PTT issues running through the Microkeyer. I set up for the ARRL DX test this weekend. I press shift+F1 to record a message and the stop button comes up. So guess it was recording. But when I press F1, nothing happens. If I manually go in and play msg1.wav, nothing is heard, even when pressing radio's footswitch.
If I record using window's sound recorder, it records fine. I did that and saved it as msg1.wav in the WT directory. Then when I hit F1, nothing happens.
Am I forgetting to set something else up?
Computer has 2 soundcards. I already went in and changed the default to the Santa Cruz card the microkeyer is connected to and correctly chose the mic as the input source. That works fine as the windows recorder worked just fine.
-------------- Original message --------------
> Hi Greg !
> Greg Fischer a écrit :
> > In SO2R Radio 1 (756ProIII) seems to work FB.
> > VFO B on Radio 1 not being read on bandmap.
> Is it a new bahaviour ? Did it worked with the previous version(s) ?
> I remind you that you must disable the CI-V transceive function in your
> TRX.
> > But Radio 2 (TS-2000) is not
> > reading the radio info. If I use WT to change bands, they do change, but to
> > whatever freq is shown on the radio 2 bandmap. When I tune the radio WT
> > does not change freq display on bandmap. Also when changing anything from
> > the radio, WT does not change. Seems like radio is not being polled.
> Kenwood rigs are usually easier to handle because the CAT protocol is
> the same for all rigs.
> Please check your COM settings for this radio (I think 9600 bds, 8 bits,
> no parity, 1 stop).
> 73
> Larry - F6FVY
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