[WT-support] SO2R with one COM port
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Tue Jun 21 01:30:57 CEST 2005
Hi Stewart
Stewart Cooper GM4AFF a écrit :
> I am trying WinTest on my laptop, which has only one COM port (and no USB).
> I use a DX Doubler, with keying via the LPT port. Radio one is an FT1000MP
> on COM1. I am trying to use an FT847 as a second radio, but of course CAT
> not connected to the PC. I would have thought that I could select the 2nd
> radio band manually in the software without a CAT interface? It seems that I
> am unable to tell the computer about any second radio unless it is connected
> to a COM port. Am I missing something?
Can you at least open the Radio-2 bandmap (with the windows menu) ?
The "*" allows you swap radios (you can also use the Alt-/ or Alt-:
combination). Once the "secondary radio" is choosen, you should be able
to change its band or frequency (type it and Enter). Of course, you
should also be able to use the secondary radio window and use shift+Keys.
> In the archive of the support mailing list, can a search facility be
> installed? Maybe I'm missing that too, but it would help a great deal now
> that the list is beginning to get quite large.
Google is your friend...
If I want to search "cluster" in the support mailing-list archives, I
enter :
"wt cluster site:f5mzn.org" (without the quotes)
in the search field of Google. And guess what ? It works !
BTW, the "wt" term restricts the serch to the support list.
Larry - F6FVY
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