[WT-support] networking wintest via internet
Andreas Hahn
Andreas.Hahn at de.sauter-bc.com
Wed Jun 15 14:51:18 CEST 2005
Hi guys,
no reply on my question some days ago, so I'd like to try it again....
I hope I can start a little discussion about good and bad ideas and I'll
find the right words.....
How about using WinTest in the IARU-HF-worldchampionship as headquarter
station or teamchallange in cqww?
There are different locations far away. There are more than one PCs in
every qth connected via ethernet, too. And there is a qth without
telephone-line, but connected via packet-radio to another team-station....
So I would like to get a communication between all PCs (qth's) with an
automatic refresh / upgrade after a logon.
I don't know enough about protocols, but I think THE big problem are
changing IP after login to internet.
So there have to be a "tunnel"-protocol or 1 master in the system.
Perhaps somebody needs the same configuration.....
I'd be happy about getting such feature in a great contestsoftware like
hpe cu de Andi, DL7ZZ
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