[WT-support] Feature Proposals

Simon Pearson m0clw at ftml.net
Sun Jun 12 14:58:20 CEST 2005

Hi Bruce/Marko,

> My request is similar to Marko for a new feature.  I would like to be able 
> to define how often I want to send the short or long confirmation message. 
> If my rate is over xxx qso/hour I want to  send the short confirmation 
> message except that the long message is substituted automatically every Nth 
> confirmation.

I disagree. The solutions are very simple:
- Use the ESC key after WT sends 'TU' (after hitting '+')
- Use an existing F-key
- Use an additional CW message

To be honest, when operating at G6PZ for example, I just hit ESC 
after Win-Test sends TU. Not tricky stuff :)

However, you could use the additional CW messages, which is what 
they are good for. Goto Options->CW->Modify additional messages, and 
enter 'TU' in the F10, field for example. To send the message, 
simply hit alt-C and then hit the F10 key.

 From a logical standpoint, I can not see how having a short/long TU 
on the same key is efficient. As you say, it'd have to work based on 
rate - but what if you want to change the rate figure at which the 
short TU is sent intead of the long TU? Just wasting more time etc, 
which is why, IMO, using the additional messages or simply hitting 
ESC after WT sends 'TU', is the best solution. It'd also mean more 
programming which could be spent on more important functionality.

Simon A. Pearson, M0CLW

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