[WT-support] Feature proposals

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Thu Jun 9 18:50:19 CEST 2005

Hi Marko

Marko Holmavuo a écrit :

> -Check Multiplier window now shows only new dxcc multipliers. I propose 
> to such option that it also indicates needed
> multiplier when ever current qso is multiplier in some other band (like 
> zone, iaru HQ or what ever).

I don't get what you exactly mean .

If you open an IARU HF contest, the F10 window will show you the 
stations you worked on the other bands from the same zone, or if you 
enter an HQ, it will display if you worked this HQ on the other bands 
(assuming you already logged this station as being an HQ).

This rule applies for the other contests, most of the time. Check 
multipliers (F10) doesn't display _only_ the DXCC mult. It's adapted at 
best for each contest.

> It is not even possible 
> to just type plain zone number in
> call field and check it with shift-F10.


It perfectly works here... [I tried it right now with a CQWW DX and an 
IARU contests]

It even works for most of the contests where a zone (aka not a serial 
number) is exchanged.

> -Skip active band: When radio A is for example in 20m band, you can 
> configure the software so, that B-radio doesn't
> go to that band, it skips that. This would prevent radio damages in some 
> situation.

For now, you can avoid damage in entering the band (160, 80, 40 etc...) 
and enter key in the callsign field. But your option is also interesting.

> -Now when writing letters&digits to second radio window with Shift key, 
> it is very difficult to write quickly calls,
> because you have to use the external numpad in right side of keyboard. 

It maybe depends on your keyboard layout, but here I can use the numbers 
keys just above the letters keys with (and, of course, without) the 
shift key with no problem. I must admit I don't know the OH keyboard 
mapping, but, AFAIK, everything is (almost) possible in using the 
integrated remapping function (Tools menu) if needed.


Larry - F6FVY

PS : BTW, is "Br" the Finnish abbreviation for "73" ?

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