[WT-support] Re: WT developing version
Olivier F5MZN
olecam at f5mzn.org
Wed Jun 1 18:18:44 CEST 2005
Tadej MEZEK, S51TA a écrit :
> Hi Olivier,
> The wpx cw went through with some minor things most of them most
> probably due to lack of my knowledge...;
> - Secondary radio window often changed the band so I actually loged on
> wrong band!, when I find out this half ctest was over so will have to
> check all -a good think is that the R1 AND R2 is written there...so
> will know which qso was loged on wrong band......Is it possible to fix
> this? (I suggest that it would follow the frequency from the
> radio......so that can not happen.....at the same time usually S5
> keyboard type was changed to US type....so the numbers with shift did
> not work properly.....
I'm sorry but I don't well understand what is the problem with the band
and the frequency. Are you radio controlled by WT? Is there a bug
somewhere with the radio control? Please tell me more Tadej.
About the US keyboard: I think I know what is the problem! With WinXP,
you can change from local to US keyboard clicking on a small icon in the
task bar. *But* the ALT (left) + SHIFT keys do the same by default! So
each time you press ALT+SHIFT, you switch between S5 and W keyboard.
Could you please confirm this? This behaviour can be disabled :
right-click + properties on this Icom.
> Another problem-this is due to lack of knowledge....is
> dualing......how to set dualing that when you listen to somebody
> (which is giving you report) the cq is on another radio.....I did not
> find anything about this in the help file...do you have some ideas how
> to do this?
> So you are dualing CQ this works perfectly...than somebody calls you
> lets say on 1st radio...you give him report and while you are
> listening to his report 2nd radio is not transmiting......so you loose
> frequency fast...how should I setup this to be on the air all the time
> with the radio on which you are not listening....this would be an easy
> one...:)
"All the time" is not really possible, but you can prepare a so long
message it will do the same.
Look at the "Check band" scenario, it does somethink like that after a CQ:
$RESET $R2R2 $F1 $R1R2 $TR2 $MSG1
You can create a special scenario for this behaviour, and add "$TR2
$MSG1" after each message. $MSG1 is the additional number one (see
"Options | CW | Modify additionnal messages").
> The last least important thing is the paddle input of wx0b box is not
> working with WL...I put the paddle in and nothing is happening....
You're right, this is not supported by WT. But F5SWB reported to us that
CWTtype (http://www.dxsoft.com/m1/cwtype.zip) can be used jointly with
Win-Test. I didn't tried but I guess that CWtype can handle the paddle
input from the wx0b interface.
Hope this helps,
PS : I cc to the mailing, as this message can be of interest for other
Olivier / f5mzn
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