[WT-support] HELP: WT does not recognize EZMaster
Bob I.2.WIJ
i2wij at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 26 10:21:21 CEST 2005
Olivier Le Cam olecam at f5mzn.org
>BTW something has been fixed with EZMaster in
>version 2.19.0-beta, does
>it work better for your radios?
Hi Olivier,
after the speed issue...I made few test
and it seems more stable.
I had the two radios configured but only
Radio A connected, and the Heavy Pile-up scenario
seems to work as expected, but I didn't make
an extensive test, due to other
committments and I'll do more during the week
before joining IC8OZM for the IOTA contest.
We will try Win-test down there.
I have another issue related to EZMaster and Win-Key.
What is the Win-Key release you support? 8 or 9?
Mine is Rel. 8, within EZMaster, but there is
no way to have it working. I had to setup
DTR=CW and RTS=PTT to work in cw.
Yes, I enabled Winkey in the EZMaster configuration
panel and WT recognize the EZMaster
potentiometer speed set and variation,
but no way to have the keying.
Where to look?
Bob, I2WIJ
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