[WT-support] HELP: WT does not recognize EZMaster

Bob I.2.WIJ i2wij at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 22 14:29:55 CEST 2005

Hi all,

after sometime I was able to rebuild the station.
To my surprise WT does not recognize EZMaster anymore.
I reinstalled the drivers and EZMaster works OK
with EZConsole and EZManager.
I configured WT to have EZMaster on 
COM2, 9600-8-n-1, DTR-OFF, RTS-OFF,
but when WT starts up, no EZMaster is found.
WT correctly opens the COM2, because otherwise 
when I disconnect the USB cable 
WT fails to open COM2 and the pupup error appear.

What's happening? What can I do?
Please help!

Bob, I2WIJ

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