[WT-support] QTC sending in WAE-mode and other WAE topics

Olivier F5MZN olecam at f5mzn.org
Sat Jul 16 08:21:58 CEST 2005

Hi again Chris,

> I tested it again, now it works, I don't know what happened...

Ok. Probably the QTC were not well validated.

>> You must decide how much QTC you want to send just after you pressed 
>> CTRL+L: a dialog window let you choose if you want to send 1, 2,... or 
>> 10 QTC (if there is enough available).
> Sometimes I cannot decide before. I hab sometimes the situation in 9Y4 
> in 2003 when I opened a 10-series QTC window, but due to decreasing 
> signal I only was able to give 5 QTCs. So it would be good to say the 
> programm only 5 QTCs were given out.

Ok, but tell me if I'm wrong: don't you have to send a "QTC series" (QTC 
3/10 for example) *before* you start to send the QTCs? If so, how can 
you transmit, say, only 5 QTC if you sent before a QTC series of 10?

> An idea: There are checkboxes at the left of each QTCs. By default all 
> QTCs are checked. Now if it happenes that you don't give out all QTCs 
> you can check out the QTCs you haven't sent by a certain key on the 
> keyboard.

I'm afraid this can be very confusing but I'm not familiar enough with 
this contest. It must be discussed here by the usual participants!

Olivier / f5mzn

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