[WT-support] Re: confirmed payment

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Tue Jul 5 11:37:51 CEST 2005

Hello Wolfgang

FYI, I forward also this email to the support mailing list, as it might 
interest other users. And, please, in the future, use this maling list 
to discuss technical matters. [To subscribe to the list, refer to our 
web site : http://www.win-test.com/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=1720]

wolfgang a écrit :

> At the moment the only problem we have is:
> If we are working in a LAN , therefore is DK0SC working as the master 
> and DJ7AT as the CLIENT and we do any mistake or commit a fault on one 
> of the two PC or one PC is going offline the net, later on if restarted  
> we aren't able to synchronize the both PC in spite of the current numbers.
> P.e.:
> Masters current nr. is *#10*, client has* #7*. Master is logging a new 
> contact as #11, client shows us *that master-nr as nr "8". *!

The current version - version 2 -, doesn't offer (like CT) any "on the 
fly" (nor on-demand) synchronisation capability. It means that if one of 
the PC on the LAN is disconnected, and comes back after a while, it 
cannot get back the "lost" QSOs.

In this (quite unusual) situation (a LAN, especially in Ethernet is not 
supposed to break very often !), you still have the possibility to merge 
the logs, and distribute it back to all PC. Of course it will take to 
time, but if you consider you're lacking too much QSOs, it's the only way.

If your LAN is stable (with HF compliancy etc...), there are really 
minor chances you loose a QSO. For example, at FY5KE, we usually have 5 
or 6 PCs on an Ethernet LAN, and we "loose", *at most*, maybe 5 QSOs on 
the around 10000 Q worked for each contest. You can also ask others 
Multi teams like G6PZ or DL6RAI (who was using WT in M/2 in the last WPX 

Please note that in contests where a serial number is used (WPX, WAE 
etc...), you can edit the current serial number by using the Edit menu / 
Modify serial sent item. This number may be different from the QSO 
number (located on the most left part of the log).

Finally, be sure we are planning an on-the-fly synchronisation for the 
next major version 3, which is scheduled for the end of this year or the 
beginning of 2006.

Best 73

Larry - F6FVY

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