[WT-support] CY9 and CY0 in RAC Contests

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Sat Jul 2 10:35:24 CEST 2005

Hi all

There is a bug in the current version regarding the CY9 and CY0 stations 
for the RAC Contests (Canadian Day and Winter contests) : Those stations 
weren't considered as Canadian stations, and thus, scoring is wrong.

It is now fixed in our dvpt trunk, and the next release will be OK.

The only easy workaround I found is :

1/ Modify all the CY9SS occurences to CY9SS/VE in your log
2/ Write down the final score displayed in the Alt-S window
3/ At this point you can copy or export the summary if you need.
4/ Revert back the modified calls to CY9SS
5/ Now, export your Cabrillo log, edit it and modify the CLAIMED SCORE 
line with the score you wrote down.

Sorry for inconvenience.


Larry - F6FVY

PS : For future reference, this bug has been added in the tracker under 
the url http://flyspray.win-test.com/index.php?do=details&id=32

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