[WT-support] Vitesse CW
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Sun Jan 9 20:00:27 CET 2005
Bsr Jean Marc
F5TVL-FREE a écrit :
> Debutant dans les concours CW, n'y a t'il pas un moyen de descendre la
> vitesse en dessous des 20wpm, vitesse minimum de WT ?
[English readers : Jean Marc tries to find a way to set a CW speed
slower than 20 WPM]
Well, currently, we considered that 20 WPM was a reasonable minimum
speed for contest operating. You cannot set a slower speed with Alt-V or
Alt-F9 commands. But, you can begin your CW messages with '-' signs to
send them slower. One '-' sign decreases the speed for about 2 WPM.
Don't forget to balance the message with '+' signs on the end ! Of
course, the displayed speed in the rate window (Alt-R) will be wrong,
and the keyboard mode speed will remain.
Laurent - F6FVY
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