[WT-support] Right Click problems

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Wed Feb 23 16:24:22 CET 2005

Hi John

John Coleman a écrit :

> Just checking Ver 2.10 and if I right click on the rate window the 
> options won't stay open, also the same with Radio 2 window. 


Actually, the right-click menus do not act exactly the same if you're 
using floating windows or not.

Within a floating window, a right-click opens the pop-up menu, and :

1/ If your mouse is off the menu (1 pixel is enough), it disappears (no 
need to left-click).
2/ If your mouse is in the menu, you can choose an item, etc... and 
left-click to validate it.

Within a non-floating window, a right click opens the pop-up menu and 
the menu remains opened, until you use the left-click to validate an 
item, or you left click elsewhere to close it.

This behaviour difference is inherent to our child window coding, and I 
must confess that modifying this part of the code could be _very_ 
hazardous, and lead to many side effects. Anyway, we'll see what we can 
do on this topic...

I personnally use the floating windows all the time (to save space and 
ease applications switching), and I've been very familiar with the 
right-click behaviour after using it few minutes only.


Larry - F6FVY

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