[WT-support] Lanceur d'appels SSB
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Fri Feb 18 14:43:45 CET 2005
Hi Philippe
F6ETI a écrit :
> WINTEST 2.2.8
Umm... pretty old vesion ;-)
[English readers : Philippe suggest to apply the autorepeat feature to
voice messages diffrent than the F1 one. His goal is to record several
operators or use different langages]
> - Fonction "repeat" du lanceur d'appel SSB :
> Actuellement, seul le message 1 (touche F1) bénéficie de la fonction
> "repeat".
> Est-il envisageable d'avoir la fonction "repeat" sur les 4 messages (F1
> à F4)?
For now, only the F1 message has the autorepeat property. We will
consider to optionally add it for other messages.
> Motivation de la demande : personnalisation des messages dans le cas de
> stations multiopérateurs, appel en deux langues, opérateurs et trices...
> (on ne rit pas au fond de la salle!)
We intend to implement more multi-op capabilities in the future : We are
thinking of different 'profiles' for each operator. The voice files will
then be swapped during the operator shift.
As a workaround, for now, you can easily use the eXecute feature
(Ctrl-X) to change voice files on-the-fly, in a multi-op situation :
- Use WT and record all messages with op1 voice.
- Duplicate the msg1.wav etc... files and rename them msg1.op1 etc...
(Win will complaint, but don't bother).
- Record the messages for op2, and repeat the rename process above
(msg1.op2 etc...).
- Do the same for every op (msg1.op3 etc...).
- Now, create a batch file in the WT directory (with a simple text
editor), named OP1.BAT, and enter :
copy *.op1 *.wav
- Create a batch file for every op : OP2.BAT etc...
- Now, in WT, if you enter OP1 in the callsign field and hit Ctrl-X
(stands for eXecute), the OP1.BAT will run, and the current voice files
will be the ones recorded by op1. If op2 comes in and want to use 'his'
voice files, he just has to enter OP2 and Ctrl-X. It is that simple.
[English readers : Philippe requests a better sampling rate for the
sound files]
> - Qualité d'enregistrement des messages :
> - Est-il possible d'améliorer la qualité de l'enregistrement des
> messages à partir de WT (vitesse échantillonnage actuelle 8000 Hz)?
The 8 kHz sampling rate has been choosen for the small files size, and
because the phone bandwidth which is pretty narrow. For now, you can't
modify this value.
[English readers : If files were recorded with a better sampling rate
with a third-party software, could it be possible to play them in WT ?]
> - Ou bien, lorsque les messages (msg1.wav, msg2.wav etc.) sont
> enregistrés à l'aide d'un autre moyen pourrait-il être possible de les
> restituer à partir de Wintest quelle que soit leur qualité (par ex.
> échantillonnage à 22 kHz)?
It's already on our todo list, as some users had the same request
because they have their own recordings since a long time !
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