[WT-support] Not Valid QSO
wintest at dl6rai.muc.de
Sat Aug 20 20:01:10 CEST 2005
> > > - The QSO count in the summary window is slightly irritating since
> > > QSOs with stations not valid for the contest (DX to DX) are
> > > also displayed here. Please remove them from the summary count.
> >
> > Without going into pretty technical detailed informations, it's not so
> > easy to remove them from the summary count. And I'm afraid we will not
> > take the risk, today, to break a very important part of the code for
> > these very marginal cases.
> >
> > Furthermore, my own opinion on this topic is that if you worked a "not
> > allowed" station (even if this QSO counts for 0 pts), it should be taken
> > into account for the summary. If you spent (wasted ?) several seconds to
> > make this QSO, your score, your rate, the avg pts per QSO etc... must be
> > affected and it you must be informed accordingly.
> Is not enough internal marking that the QSO is a not Valid QSO , and so
> don't count it in any calculation ?, Rate, score etc. etc.
> As commented few week ago, QSO outside the contest don't be counted, or even
> don't be exported into you Cabrillo file.
> I can agree to log a NOT VALID QSO, even notified in better way that now,
> but surely don't agree to have these QSO into
> the Cabrillo Log.
I don't think it would be a good idea to filter the Cabrillo output
for invalid QSOs. The Cabrillo file should include *all* QSOs that
were made, be they dupes, incomplete contacts, QSOs with invalid
parties or whatever.
Because this file is not only sent to the contest sponsor but is
also used (by other software) for example to create QSL data or
to import the data into a general logbook software.
Please leave the Cabrillo file complete.
73 Ben, DL6RAI
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