[WT-support] Re: Additional Items
Pete Smith
n4zr at contesting.com
Mon Apr 25 13:14:12 CEST 2005
Hi Olivier -- I guess I would prefer to have it work as it does in both TR
and MM -- that is, the software blocks the sending of your call while S&P,
but allows apparent dupes to be worked while running. Can this be done in
the framework of Win-Test? It seems unnecessary to ask the operator, each
time he screws up and calls a dupe, if he really wants to do that.
73, Pete N4ZR
At 01:41 AM 4/25/2005, Olivier F5MZN wrote:
>Pete Smith a écrit :
>>At 11:44 AM 4/24/2005, Olivier F5MZN wrote:
>>>Barry Merrill wrote:
>>>>1. How do I delete a spot in the Announce Window; I frequently
>>>> like to clear off individual spots; WriteLog allows you to
>>>> highlight the spot and use the DELETE key to delete.
>>>Did you try a right-clic on the row?
>>>>2. When I type in a call and hit blank and see it is a DUPE,
>>>> WT still sends my call; WriteLog inhibits when it's a dupe,
>>>> saving me the embarassment of SRI B4!
>>>You can get WT sending "QSOB4" in case of dupe: edit the "INSERT" CW
>>>message and add the variable $QSOB4 after the $LOGGEDCALL one. In
>>>example, this is default "INSERT" message:
>>>That way, pressing the INSERT key will first transmit the logged
>>>callsign, followed by either the report or "QSOB4" if it's a dupe.
>>I think that this illustrates one of the areas that are difficult to deal
>>with in a program that doesn't treat S&P and running differently.
>>For example, TR Log and N1MM both prevent your calling someone in S&P
>>mode who would be a dupe. This has saved me innumerable embarrassments
>>over the years. In most contest, it is perfectly OK, and even good
>>practice to rework someone when you are running, he calls you, and he is
>>already in your log. If you are not in his, he gets a good QSO, and you
>>get no penalty, so everyone wins.
>Oh, I misunderstood that W5GN was talking about S&P! OK, why not having a
>new variable, let say $CHECKDUPE, in the beginning of the F4 message? That
>way, if the operator press F4 on a dupe, the software could open a popup
>window telling him to confirm he really want to send his call. I do not
>know if that could be an advantage or on the contrary would cause
>nuisances... What is your opinion about?
>BTW, this could be coupled with the UA9CIR suggestion: if we turn the VFO
>knob, the software will enter in S&P mode and will take the $CHECKDUPE
>variable into account. If you are in running mode (QSOing on the same
>frequency), that variable would have no effect.
>How sounds?
>PS to UA9CIR: we keep in touch regarding the TR 'ESM' mode!
>Olivier / f5mzn
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