[WT-support] Win-Test / Microham USB Micro Keyer/ FT1000MP MK V Field problem

Mark Simpson radio at noaggro.com
Wed Oct 6 00:58:41 CEST 2004

I am sending this email to Win-Test Support and Microham Support as I am not quite sure where the problem is.

I am trying to get Win-Test working with my FT1000MP using the new Microham USB Microkeyer. Following advice I have received from MM0EAX,  I have configured Win-Test and the Microham Device Router software for radio tracking (ie, CAT) and for CW keying.  The good news is it works !!!   HOWEVER, if I quit Win-Test then the next time I run it the radio tracking does not work anymore (the CW keying is still OK). If I swop Win-Test to a different COM port and swop back again, then it starts to work again. 

Any ideas ?
Mark Simpson, MM1APX

Windows 98SE
Yaesu FT1000MP MkV Field

Microham USB Micro Keyer
Microham Dedicated Yaesu cables
Microham Firmware version 1.4
Microham Device Router Software version 1.8
        Radio        =    COM5
        FSK          =
        WinKey     =
        CW           =    COM5 (DTR)
        PTT           =    COM5 (RTS)
        Footswitch =

Win-Test version 2.2.1  (unregistered)
        Radio1 = FT-1000MP
        COM5 selected.....  4800 8-N-2 CW
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