[WT-support] win-test with a LAN
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Tue Dec 28 15:48:19 CET 2004
Hi Art
art a écrit :
> I'm testing Win-Test in a simple LAN, only two computers with a
> ADSL-router and a switch, but I would like to use in the future a 6
> computers LAN (M/M category).
> What port number I have to write in the interfaces configuration menu ?
> The default number 9871 is not running.
> The default IP broadcast address is
> The router is with DHCP server active.
> S.O. WinXP SP2
You must set an IP broadcast address in the WT interfaces dialogs which
will covers all the machines you want to connect.
Your network seems to be a "class A" network (10.x.y.z).
To be sure to cover an entire class A network you must use a brodcast address. This way, you will be able to connect
about 167 millions networked computers ;-) It should be enough, even for
a M/M effort) The default port (9871) should work (dont forget to open
individual UDP port on your machines firewalls if any).
Best 73
Larry - F6FVY
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