[WT-support] RE: setup question for MK
Greg Fischer
ab7r at comcast.net
Sun Dec 19 20:20:34 CET 2004
OK...tried this with same result.
Don't know if it's an issue with WT or the MK Router. I took off the PTT/CW
keyeing from the LPT port. Selected PTT through each radio's com port in
WT. In MK router PTT/FSK selected PTT1 for both foot switch and serial port
and routed audio C-C-A.
LED on MK is Red during foot switch and PTT function. So according to color
scheme, only PTT1 on the mic connector is active. BUT...if I disconnect the
13-pin accy connector on rig one (870S) the problem goes away and rig one
does not PTT when rig two is selected.
I guess I could just leave the accy pin disconnected when operating SSB, but
that kind of takes away from the purpose of the interface.
Thanks for all the quick help.
Greg - AB7R
-----Original Message-----
From: OM7ZZ, Jozef Urban [mailto:om7zz at microham.com]
Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2004 5:28 AM
To: Greg Fischer
Subject: Re: setup question for MK
Hi Greg
To verify if MK uses PTT2 or not look at the front panel. You should see
only RED PTT light. PTT leds are hooked directly on PTTline so here cannot
be a bug. If you see GREEN or YELLOW PTT light than PTT2 or both PTT1 and
PTT2 are generated.
Hand mic PTT is hardwired to PTT1 and cannot be removed (in Router 1.13 also
footswitch cannot be removed from PTT1). PTT2 is usable only for digital
modes because mutes front mic on Kenwoods and several Yaesus. If is applied
front mic is muted (you can verify it with second microphone directly
connected to radio one when both are keyed.
Audio settings for "COM port or WinKey" are applied only when COM port or
WinKey generates PTT. It means if you are in SSB mode or do not press
paddles than only computer generated PTT (on comport defined in Router/Ports
tab) can switch audio Routing to this position. If you have configured
Win-Test to not generate PTT on serial port than this setting never be
I recommend you to set Win-Test to generate PTT on COM port (active for both
radios), and hook Router PTT to this COM port. Use audio C,C,A.
>From LPT use just A/B switching (pin 14), no PTT. Than COM port generated
PTT1 will be routed thru DXD to correct radio.
Check also if VOX is turned off on both radios. My TS-850 has been
responsible for VOX also for signal applied to rear line in. This is only
way what I can imagine why radio has been keyed.
Please let me know
73 Jozef
----- Original Message -----
From: "Greg Fischer" <ab7r at comcast.net>
To: <om7zz at microham.com>
Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2004 3:13 AM
Subject: setup question for MK
> Hello Jozef.
> I almost have everything working for SO2R until your unit is available.
> But I'm having a PTT issue. I only want PTT to go through JUST the mic
> connector. I built an adapter that the 8-ping female mic plug from the MK
> connects to and has a jack output for audio from pins 1 and 7 and then
> another for PTT from pins 2 and 8. BOTH are connecte from the MK to the
> Doubler box which the controls which radio the PTT and audio is passed
> either by manual switch or by LPT pin 14.
> I have the footswitch connected to the MK and the MK PTT line from the mic
> connector connected to the footswitch ptt line on the DXD.
> ON the PTT/FSK tab I have footswitch set to PTT1 which as I understand it
> ONLY the PTT line on the mic connector.
> The serial port PTT is also set for PTT1. So no PTT signal should be
> passing to the 13-pin ACCY jack which should only be carrying PTT2.
> In the audio tab, VOX/command PTT is set for C to pass the soundcard audio
> files to the mic audio.
> The COM port or Winkey PTT is set for A
> Footswitch or hand mic PTT set for A, to pass only spoken mic audio to the
> mic connector.
> Only com port in use is for rig control.
> When switched either automatically or manually thru the DXD PTT and audio
> are fine to radio one, which is connected to the MK via accy 13pin plug.
> When switched to radio 2, only connected to computer via native com port,
> the PTT and audio both work fine BUT..... radio one is also somehow being
> keyed by the MK through the accy plug, even though only PTT1 is used in
> setup tabs.
> If I disconnect the accy plug altogether, all works fine and ptt and audio
> are both switched through the DXD to either radio. In this case I believe
> PTT is being accomplished through the LPT port pins which is configurable
> using Win-Test.
> Is there a way to choose no PTT action in cases where software that allows
> PTT thru the LPT port does the job?
> Thanks
> Greg
> AB7R
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