[WT-support] SO2R setup?
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Fri Dec 17 11:48:54 CET 2004
Hi Greg and all
Greg Fischer a écrit :
(snip on your SO2R setup)
> But in the commands window the SO2R option is greyed out and does
> nothing when clicked. Use of the * key on the numberpad works fine switching
> the radios.
The SO2R menu and its associated commands only work for MultiKeyer
users. For now, WT does not remotely control the selection of headphone
audio source on the DX Doubler.
We already had a request by ZS4TX for its own SO2R box, and will
consider it for a next version. It should use other // port pins (band
data will then become unusable).
> Also...I know WT can send voice messages from the soundcard. But I cannot
> locate anywhere to assign files to the function keyes used for sending the
> messages. Is there a way to record the messages from within WT?
We can record these messages on the fly. Just use Shift-F1 to Shift-F7
to record them. They will be saved in the Win-Test directory and their
names are mgs1.wav for F1 key, msg2.wav for F2 key, etc... Of course,
you must be in a Phone mode to record (and have checked the appropriate
box in the interface setup). BTW we have to correct a bug : The use of
Shift-Insert and Shift-+ gives the impression you can record a message
for these keys, but in reality, it doesn't record at all. It will be
If you want to use a third-party software to record or process voice
messages (Audacity for example), be sure to use the following file
format : WAV, PCM, 8000 Hz sampling frequency, 1 channel (mono) and 16
bits per sample
Larry - F6FVY
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