Win-Test still does not support a number of popular contests, such as the California QSO Party (Oct 3,4), most other state QSO parties, and many other regional contests that have been requested here in the Win-Test reflector over the years.<br>
<br>It seems that with a new API made of LUA scripts, it ought to be possible for the users to develop and share contest-support scripts for new contests, at least to some usable extent.<br><br>I'd be happy to try to make this work for the California QSO Party, as I am very motivated to do that right now! I've got one month. The CQP script could be used as a template for other contests.<br>
<br>Proposal:<br><br>Instead of reusing the /Scripts directory, Win-Test could look for a new /UserDefinedContest directory for a list of .wts files, one file per contest, e.g. CQP.wts, 7QP.wts, etc.<br><br>Inside the .wts file a developer would use LUA code to define a number of <i>required</i> LUA functions. Win-Test would call these LUA functions by name at the appropriate time to get the information it needs to score the contest and prompt for data, for example:<br>
<ul><li>ContestName() -- Returns the name of the contest (for display in the Contest Configuration screen's contest list)<br>e.g. "Calif. QSO Party - from CA" or "Calif. QSO Party - from outside CA"<br>
</li><li>ContestMonth() -- Returns a list of the typical months of the contest (for filtering contest by month, 1-12),<br>e.g. "10" meaning October, or "1_8" meaning January and August</li><li>ContestCategory() -- Returns a list of the categories of entry supported in that contest<br>
e.g. "Single-op_Single-op, Assisted_Multi-op_single xmtr_Multi-Multi")<br> (underscore used as separator)</li><li>ContestModes() -- Returns a list of modes supported<br>e.g. "CW_SSB_RTTY_Digital_Mixed"<br>
(underscore used as separator)<br></li><li>ContestOverlay(category) -- Returns a list of the contest overlay classes supported in that contest, given the specified entry category</li><li>ContestPowerClass(category, overlay) -- Returns a list of the power classes supported for that category and overlay<br>
e.g. "HIGH_LOW_QRP"<br></li><li>ContestOther() -- Returns the string to be used to prompt for the "Other" field at the bottom of the Config Window<br>e.g. "Name", "Age", etc.</li><li>
ContestExchangePrompt() -- Returns a string to be displayed to prompt the user what to enter in the "Exchange" boxes at the top of the Contest Configuration window<br>e.g. "US and VE stations enter their state or province, all others enter \"DX\""<br>
</li><li>MultFile() -- Returns the name of the contest-specific mult file to use, if any<br>e.g. "cqp_cnty.dat"</li><li>EquivFile() -- Returns the name of the contest-specific equivalence file to use<br>e.g. "ca_cnty.dat"</li>
<li>RoversOK() -- Returns TRUE if roving stations can be counted again as valid, non-duplicate QSOs (see Mult() function below)<br></li><li>DupesOK() -- Returns 0 if dupes are not permitted, otherwise a number indicating number of intervening QSOs permitted before working the station again<br>
</li><li>UseSprintExchangeLogic() -- Returns TRUE or FALSE<br></li><li>MultsBy() -- Returns a constant indicating whether mults are counted once per contest, once per band, once per mode, or once per band and mode</li><li>
Mult(callsign, exchange1, exchange2) -- Returns the multiplier string associated with that callsign<br>This needs helper functions like GetDXCC(callsign), GetWAECountry(callsign), GetContinent(callsign), GetMult(callsign, exchange1, exchange2) that would be provided by Win-Test itself.<br>
GetMult() helper functino would use the previously-specified MultFile and EquivFile<br>e.g. the Mult() function would returns county (from exchange), or "CA" or a DXCC prefix returned by the helper functions<br>
</li><li>ZoneMult() -- Returns "CQ", "ITU", or "None" indicating if zones count as additional multipliers.<br></li><li>QSOsBy() -- Returns a constant indicating whether QSOs are counted once per
contest, once per band, once per mode, or once per band and mode</li><li>GetPoints(callsign, mycountry, mycontinent, country, continent, zone, multval, freq, mode, exchange1, exchange2) -- returns the no. of points for that QSO based on the given fields.<br>
multval would be something previously returned by the Mult function.<br></li><li>CabrilloQSOLine(date,time,band,mode, mycall, rstsent, myexchange1, myexchange2, callsign, restrecv, exchange1, exchange2, stnNum) -- returns a string in the proper format for a QSO: line in the Cabrillo file</li>
<li>CabrilloHeaderLines(callsign, cqzone, ituzone, exchange1, exchange2, category, mode, overlay, powerclass, other, club, soapbox) -- returns the Cabrillo header lines given the provided fields (from user-entered values on the Contest Config. window, which are passed to the function)</li>
<li>GetLoggingColumnCount() -- Return the number of fields to display on the data entry (logging window)</li><li>GetLoggingColumn(n) -- Given column n, return the title above that column, the width of that column and an indicator of what it represents (QSO number, callsign, exchange1, exchange2, rst, zone, etc.)</li>
</ul>This gives you the general idea; I could write a much more comprehensive specification, but the main goal is to make it work with the existing internals of Win-Test, so I think it's better if the Win-Test developers tell us exactly what else they would need. For example, I've only suggested a maximum of two exchange fields in addition to RST, but maybe it should be more generalized.<br>
<br>Though such a LUA API model will not be able to handle all the particular idiosyncrasies of every possible contest, I think it could handle 80% of them, and that would probably be good enough.<br><br>73,<br>Bob, N6TV<br>