<div>We had a number of problems with Win-Test and MicroKeyer this weekend...I am wondering if anyone else did too??</div>
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<div>I am currently using ver 3.26 on 19 station computers...I have 11 MicroKeyers and prior to this weekend they have performed flawlessly...it started at the beginning of the contest...a number of MicroKeyers would not talk to Win-Test at all... some of the keyers would not send even send cw...random dits or dahs....we spent a number of hours trying to load the system up using a standard format...what is strange is that some of the computers did not have a problem...but there were 6 or 7 that were a bear....is there a know problem with Win-Test and the MicroKeyer?? My stations computers are all using the same version on Windows XP................do I need to go to Ver 4??</div>
<div>Thanks in advance</div>
<div>de Rick NQ4I</div>